Federal Criminal Defense

Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer In Washington, D.C.

Our United States federal courts are a world apart, and attorney G. Allen Dale knows this world extremely well. Federal prosecutors' cases are typically comprehensive and well-prepared, conviction rates are high, and mandatory sentencing guidelines make prison time a strong possibility.

Whether you are facing allegations of white collar crime, murder, serious drug charges or indictment on any other felony offense, your attorney can make the difference. To consult a lawyer widely respected for decades of federal criminal defense work, contact the Law Offices of G. Allen Dale.

Government Stings — Misuse Of Facilities — Workplace Misconduct — Sex Offenses — Wire Fraud, Tax Fraud Or Procurement Fraud

G. Allen Dale builds strong defense cases for people targeted in government sting operations. We regularly handle cases in which millions of dollars have changed hands and millions in penalties are in play, including those involving conspiracy, kickbacks, insider trading, government contract fraud, RICO, money laundering and the False Claims Act. We defend government officials and corporate employees accused of crimes such as:

  • Stealing, diverting or misappropriating government funds or property
  • Embezzlement or other theft of company funds, including writing unauthorized checks
  • Misusing government facilities and other resources, including allegations of viewing Internet pornography or soliciting sex over the Internet
  • Wire fraud
  • Tax preparer fraud and tax evasion, including cases of interstate goods transport
  • Procurement fraud — as when a corporate employee unlawfully leverages competitive data or other sole-source information

Federal Drug Crime Defense — Capital Murder Cases — Federal Property Crimes

Mr. Dale's background in high-stakes criminal defense also enables him to provide effective representation in death penalty murder cases and other federal crimes involving drugs, violence or property. He continues to advance a stellar reputation built in numerous high-profile cases.

Attorney G. Allen Dale has earned valuable credibility with federal prosecutors, enabling pre-indictment negotiation of pleas to lesser charges and clients' entry into diversion programs rather than prison. His reputation for honesty, integrity and quality preparation is a tremendous asset for our clients. We also lead and conduct internal investigations into suspected wrongdoing in public corporations, private companies and professional practices.

To benefit from G. Allen Dale‘s 45-plus years of experience in federal court, please contact our law offices today. Mr. Dale can and does practice throughout the federal system, anywhere in the country, applying his extensive knowledge of federal rules of evidence, criminal procedure, sentencing guidelines and other key considerations.