
Experienced Federal Court Trial Lawyer For Fraud Defense

The Enron accounting fraud scandal broke in 2001 and ultimately cost shareholders tens of billions, prompting intense media attention and widespread outrage. Federal fraud investigations have since exposed corruption and wrongdoing at Tyco International, WorldCom, ImClone and numerous other high-profile companies.

In recent years, the U.S. government has greatly increased the investment and resources devoted to fraud investigations within government agencies and companies of all sizes. Many lead to federal indictments on charges such as wire fraud, tax fraud, procurement fraud or mortgage fraud. Our Washington, D.C., law offices are led by an attorney with over three decades of relevant defense experience. Contact G. Allen Dale now if you know or believe you are being investigated for workplace fraud or corruption.

Seek Counsel Immediately If You Are Under Investigation

Most white collar defendants first learn they are under investigation when they are contacted by:

  • The inspector general of their specific government agency
  • An FBI agent or representative
  • A supervisor or internal corporate investigator

It is critical to contact a proven criminal defense attorney as soon as you know — or have reason to believe — you are under investigation. Any allegations of fraud, theft or misuse of property are extremely serious, and any statements you make at this point can be used against you. This includes denying guilt; the best approach is to say nothing at this point other than that you wish to consult an attorney.

G. Allen Dale Will Protect Your Rights And Pursue Your Best Defense Options

It is important for people suspected of white collar crimes to realize:

  • If the agent, an investigator or your boss is “fishing,” your decision to cooperate may provide information they need to advance their case.
  • If you have broken the law and the authority that contacts you indicates they have evidence of that, “coming clean” without first obtaining counsel could have disastrous consequences — including significant prison time under federal sentencing guidelines.

G. Allen Dale has extensive experience protecting clients' rights under these circumstances. Your best move at this point is to contact our law offices immediately by calling 202-638-2900. We may be able to answer key questions in a free phone consultation, and if you hire Mr. Dale, we will put our substantial skills and resources to work on your behalf.