College Students: Alcohol & Drug Charges

Defense Of College Students Charged With Drunk Driving And Drugs

Don't Let A DWI, Underage Drinking Or Drug Charge Ruin A Promising Start

Everyone makes mistakes in life, and young people attending college who are away from home for the first time are particularly susceptible to criminal charges involving alcohol or drugs. Underage drinking, drinking and driving, and drug charges for possession of marijuana are among the most common criminal charges brought against college students.

Few college students realize the serious consequences they face if convicted of a drug-related offense or DWI. Not only criminal charges in an adult court and loss of a driver's license, but they may have to appear before a college disciplinary board where they could be removed from on-campus housing, lose student loan funding and even be expelled from college. With a drug conviction, they may not be eligible for federal financial aid ever again. Furthermore, future employers and landlords will discover their criminal record when running background checks.

If you or your child has been arrested for underage drinking, DWI, or a drug-related offense like possession, the advice of an experienced criminal attorney can be invaluable. Talking to a defense lawyer immediately can help you avoid making statements or taking actions that could incriminate you and jeopardize your driver's license or your criminal case in court.

Contact the Washington, D.C. law office of defense attorney G. Allen Dale to schedule an appointment to discuss your situation.

Fortunately, there are often many options for helping a young person facing a first-time drug or alcohol charge. At the Law Offices of G. Allen Dale we work to keep criminal charges off your record and protect future educational, career and housing opportunities.

In addition to fighting drug possession, underage drinking and DWI charges in Superior Court of the District of Columbia and at the Department of Motor Vehicles, we look for ways to negotiate alternatives like traffic school or chemical dependency counseling. Rather than jail time for underage drinking or sale of a small amount of marijuana at a frat party or other gathering, we present rehabilitation or diversion programs and probation as the best option for getting one's life back on track.

Defense lawyer G. Allen Dale has the skills and resources to handle your defense. Act quickly to get the capable defense representation you need. Contact the Law Offices of G. Allen Dale, call 202-638-2900, or email Mr. Dale at [email protected]